Synology Mediathek Script

This is the first release of the Synology German Mediathek download script.

It queries the german mediathek website and uses these informations to start download-jobs on the Synology.

So in short, what does it do?

  1. Query Mediathekviewweb API for all airings matching the given search criteria
  2. Filter by:
    1. Number of days back that should be presented
    2. Exclude airings that match the ExcludeTitlesKeywords List
    3. Airings that are under MinimumSize or under MinimumLength
  3. Sort the list descending and use Out-Gridview to present the user with the choice
  4. If the user has selected some airings, the script will continue
  5. Now airing by airing will be checked if:
    1. Filename is requested to be set manual –> User will be requested for a name for each
    2. Autorename is choosen for the title (strong recommended for all Configurations)
      1. New Filename will be built by the configured setting AutoRenameString, Timestamp is „yyMMdd_HHmm_“
      2. Replace Character as of CharacterReplaceTable to prevent filesystem problems (eg. /|:)
  6. All files that need a rename after download will be added to a RenameTaskList
  7. Authenticate to NAS
  8. Start Download Jobs, only if File with same filename is not already there. Cleanup NAS-History of Downloadjobs of the same URL, so we get the right status
  9. Wait for the Downloadjobs that need a rename until they are downloaded. Check NAS every 10 Seconds to not overload
  10. Rename the downloaded files to the wished name
  11. Logoff from NAS

There is no real documentation so far except the inline documentation. If you have questions, contact me through Twitter. This script is provided as is, no warranty that it will work in all situations! It should work on Powershell 5.1 and Powershell 7.x, although it is usually tested on PS5.1.
It was written for myself to optimize download of movies/series from german mediatheks.

The Script has been published on github:

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